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Posted 4 months ago by Roman K
Hi constantly getting incapsula requesthave used the following settings
DOWNLOAD_HANDLERS = { "http": "scrapy_zyte_api.ScrapyZyteAPIDownloadHandler", "https": "scrapy_zyte_api.ScrapyZyteAPIDownloadHandler", } REQUEST_FINGERPRINTER_CLASS = "scrapy_zyte_api.ScrapyZyteAPIRequestFingerprinter" ZYTE_API_KEY = "API" ZYTE_API_TRANSPARENT_MODE = True
this is an example of request:
yield Request( url=f'{text}', callback=self.parse_searchresult, meta={ "zyte_api_automap": { "browserHtml": True }, } )
in response constantly getting something like this:
Request unsuccessful. Incapsula incident ID: 1057000170135418495-45975554798715971
could you please help me to understand how to fix this issue? maybe it will be required to use some additional parameters or something else?I've tried to retry for 5 times, but it doesn't workThanks.
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constantly getting incapsula request
have used the following settings
this is an example of request:
in response constantly getting something like this:
could you please help me to understand how to fix this issue?
maybe it will be required to use some additional parameters or something else?
I've tried to retry for 5 times, but it doesn't work
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