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Posted 9 months ago by Sai Lenka
When I fetch one request with cookies, it gives a 520 status code: Temporary Downloading Error. Could you please suggest any suggestions for it?Thank you in adavance.
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Screenshot f....png37.7 KB
1 Votes
Robert Seaborn posted 2 months ago
This error seems to be given when a website doesn't exist or the domain can't be reached.
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When I fetch one request with cookies, it gives a 520 status code: Temporary Downloading Error. Could you please suggest any suggestions for it?
Thank you in adavance.
Attachments (1)
Screenshot f....png
37.7 KB
1 Votes
Robert Seaborn posted 2 months ago
This error seems to be given when a website doesn't exist or the domain can't be reached.
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