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Posted over 2 years ago by Kyo M
scrapy: 2.6-py3
requirements_file: requirements.txt
I am trying to deploy a scrapy project created in a local virtual environment (venv) to scrapycloud, but I keep getting errors.
I don't know the cause. Why is this?
The error message is
AttributeError: type object 'Callable' has no attribute '_abc_registry'".
but the that causes this does not already exist locally.
On the contrary, the problem is reported to be
"File "/app/python/lib/python3.8/site-packages/", line 1007, in __new__"
which is supposed to be the problem, does not exist on my Mac.
What is the problem?
Thank you in advance for your answer.
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Requirement.txt2.49 KB
log.txt3.21 KB
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scrapy: 2.6-py3
requirements_file: requirements.txt
I am trying to deploy a scrapy project created in a local virtual environment (venv) to scrapycloud, but I keep getting errors.
I don't know the cause. Why is this?
The error message is
AttributeError: type object 'Callable' has no attribute '_abc_registry'".
but the that causes this does not already exist locally.
On the contrary, the problem is reported to be
"File "/app/python/lib/python3.8/site-packages/", line 1007, in __new__"
which is supposed to be the problem, does not exist on my Mac.
What is the problem?
Thank you in advance for your answer.
Attachments (2)
2.49 KB
3.21 KB
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