Getting [cannot dial to the netloc], [cannot establish tcp connection], [cannot dial to] error with Headless Proxy

Posted almost 3 years ago by ServiceInfo AcheterDuNeuf

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ServiceInfo AcheterDuNeuf

Hello all,

I use the Smart Proxy Manager in Headless mode along with the Puppeteer lib. Puppeteer uses Chromium as the headless browser. 

I have a Linux Ubuntu distro on my machine and Debian 10 on the server.

Everything works just fine when I work from home, but when I'm at the office or when I test on the server I'm getting this JSON response (TCP errors) when I'm going to some page with my Puppeteer script : 

{"error":{"code":"executor","message":"cannot execute a request","stack":[{"code":"executor","message":"cannot execute a request","status_code":0},{"code":"","message":"cannot dial to the netloc","status_code":0},{"code":"","message":"cannot establish tcp connection","status_code":0},{"code":"cannot_dial","message":"cannot dial to","status_code":0},{"code":"","message":"dial tcp i/o timeout","status_code":0}]}}

The Headless Browser Proxy executable is correctly launched and running. Again everything is working as expected when I work remotely.

I'm afraid this is a network conception-related problem on which I do not have any control.

I really don't know what to do about this, since I find so little or no documentation about it.

Huge thanks for your help :)

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