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Payment failed


Our last payment failed because of card expiration.
We updated it, can you please retry the payment and reactivate our services ?

Account Bemymedia
Thank you.

Be. my media

2 people have this question

My payment failed for Invoice #— A151875.
Can you please send us link for payment to reactivate subsription?


Hello Team,


Our last payment failed because of card expiration.
We updated it, can you please retry the payment and reactivate our services ?

Please do the needful at the earliest.

Thanks & Regards,


F&A Team,



Why can't  I subscribe with my Debit/ATM  Card.

Is a Credit Card the only way to subscribe ?

When I try to subscribe - I get the message " An error occurred while processing your request. "

Please respond asap / Thanks.

Mammen John

ı am  unable  to process  the payment  !

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