I am a new user. Constant authentication issues.

Posted over 3 years ago by Ivan Khokhlov

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Ivan Khokhlov

Hi, I just subscribed for a Zyte 14 day trial. I have 2 issues:

1. I am using the instructions here to setup zyte proxy manager with scrapy https://docs.zyte.com/smart-proxy-manager/integrations/scrapy.html

I have install the package, followed the instructions, obtained my API key, but every time I run my spider I get:

"WARNING 2021-09-26 12:57:50: Retrying a Zyte Smart Proxy Manager request due to an authentication issue"

I've tried resetting the API key 3 times now, but still keep getting the same problem.

What can I do?

Not a great first user experience...

2. I don't understand why the Zyte dashboard keep displaying the following when I have already subscribed. Immediately after paying I saw the dashboard below and was very confused.


Thank you for your help.


1 Votes



Dirk Breeuwer posted 5 months ago

Same situation here

1 Votes

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