Hi. I'm trying to learn Scrapy-Splash. Within the below Splash lua script, the png returned does not show the updated element.
The javascript does work in Chrome Dev Tools.
Any push in the right direction is appreciated.
function main(splash, args) assert(splash:go("https://news.ycombinator.com/")) splash:runjs([[ el = document.evaluate('//b[@class="hnname"]',document, null,XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE,null).singleNodeValue; if (el != null) { el.textContent = 'Javascript Injection'; } ]]) return {png=splash:png()} end
I understand that there was a Support ticket for this issue and Javascript Injection can be done through splash through js_source https://splash.readthedocs.io/en/stable/api.html#executing-custom-javascript-code-within-page-context.
Graham Anderson
Hi. I'm trying to learn Scrapy-Splash. Within the below Splash lua script, the png returned does not show the updated element.
The javascript does work in Chrome Dev Tools.
Any push in the right direction is appreciated.
I understand that there was a Support ticket for this issue and Javascript Injection can be done through splash through js_source https://splash.readthedocs.io/en/stable/api.html#executing-custom-javascript-code-within-page-context.
I understand that there was a Support ticket for this issue and Javascript Injection can be done through splash through js_source https://splash.readthedocs.io/en/stable/api.html#executing-custom-javascript-code-within-page-context.
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