Is it possible to run a job using UI only if some required parameter is passed?

Posted over 5 years ago by Cássio Van Helden Gameiro

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Cássio Van Helden Gameiro


In my case, i'm using UI to start or schedule a job, and i have some required arguments to pass to run it.

I need to know if there is a way to create required argument to run or schedule a job.

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thriveni posted over 5 years ago Admin Best Answer


You can pass arguments while scheduling the job. After clicking the RUN Button on the top right corner of the Job Dashboard, RUN dialog box would open up. 

Here you can add the Arguments by clicking on the + sign as shown in the screenshot below.  

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Navneet Verma posted over 4 years ago

How where can we access these arguments?

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thriveni posted over 5 years ago Admin Answer


You can pass arguments while scheduling the job. After clicking the RUN Button on the top right corner of the Job Dashboard, RUN dialog box would open up. 

Here you can add the Arguments by clicking on the + sign as shown in the screenshot below.  

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