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error running


I't tryng put in code the curl command below:

curl -u <APIKEY> ""

on golang

req,err := http.NewRequest("GET", ""+jobId, nil)



I got the Unauthorized message

I'm using golang to send a job request and consult the job status (both work).. but to get itens fromĀ the job finished isn't work.

I changed GET to POST, but no success

Try setting Basic Auth as a header instead, with base64 encoded "apikey:" as opposed to SetBasicAuth. Without more details about what how you're capturing the value of jobID and a real sample ID, I can't provide more information.
I can only infer what I mentioned in my last message: "It seems like you're getting a redirect and GoLang doesn't propagate SetBasicAuth to the followed redirect."

I'm putting the id of the job ( xxx/x/xxxx). The var jobId works when I call:

exec.Command("curl", "-u",key, ""+jobId)

This "" doesn't seem to be a valid job id.

What are you putting as jobId in your GoLang script? It seems like you're getting a redirect and GoLang doesn't propagate BasicAuth to the followed redirect.

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