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HTTPS does not work with Python requests, but works with curl

I would like to how to properly use Python requests with Crawlera proxy for encrypted sites. I followed the solution:

and I can fetch sites like with no problem using 'curl' (command line). I wanted to do a similar thing via Python and requests package, but it does not work. I get 'SubjectAltNameWarning'.

Minimal example:


import requests


PROXY_PORT = '8010'

PROXY_AUTH = <my key>

proxies = {

    "https": "https://{}@{}:{}/".format(PROXY_AUTH, PROXY_HOST, PROXY_PORT),

    "http": "http://{}@{}:{}/".format(PROXY_AUTH, PROXY_HOST, PROXY_PORT)


res = requests.get(url='', proxies=proxies, verify=<absolute-path-to-crawlera-ca.crt>)

Best Answer

Sorry, for a delay. It is working fine. I forgot to put ':' at the end of the key.

Thanks for your interest.

Is that the entire output: 'SubjectAltNameWarning'?


Sorry, for a delay. It is working fine. I forgot to put ':' at the end of the key.

Thanks for your interest.

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