Hello, I want to work with your platform. But before that, I want to make sure that I will be available about US based proxies. As I am going to work with google shopping to scrape data if I miss with US proxies then I would not be able to scrape proper data.
Hello, I want to work with your platform. But before that, I want to make sure that I will be available about US based proxies. As I am going to work with google shopping to scrape data if I miss with US proxies then I would not be able to scrape proper data.
Really waiting for your response. Thank you.
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nestor posted over 6 years ago Admin Best Answer
There are US proxies available. Once you subscribe to a Crawlera plan there's the option to create a US-only account: https://support.scrapinghub.com/support/solutions/articles/22000188398-restricting-crawlera-ips-to-a-specific-region
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nestor posted over 6 years ago Admin
You're welcome.
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RescueSupply posted over 6 years ago
Thank You so much for your kind reply
0 Votes
nestor posted over 6 years ago Admin Answer
There are US proxies available. Once you subscribe to a Crawlera plan there's the option to create a US-only account: https://support.scrapinghub.com/support/solutions/articles/22000188398-restricting-crawlera-ips-to-a-specific-region
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