Then, I tried to generate the requirements.txt using pip freeze > requirements.txt, just to be sure that I was doing everything the right way. Now I get the following error while trying to deploy the project to Scrapinghub:
Command "python egg_info" failed with error code 1 in /tmp/pip-build-t95gfR/project/
{"message": "The command '/bin/sh -c sudo -u nobody -E PYTHONUSERBASE=$PYTHONUSERBASE pip install --user --no-cache-dir -r /app/requirements.txt' returned a non-zero code: 1", "details": {"message": "The command '/bin/sh -c sudo -u nobody -E PYTHONUSERBASE=$PYTHONUSERBASE pip install --user --no-cache-dir -r /app/requirements.txt' returned a non-zero code: 1", "code": 1}, "error": "requirements_error"}
{"message": "Requirements error", "status": "error"}
Deploy log location: /var/folders/sy/5lq7m7v523v7wqkgymgbs8sm0000gn/T/shub_deploy_z25sl9b6.log
Error: Deploy failed: b'{"message": "Requirements error", "status": "error"}'
May be this is a stupid question, but... what should I put on my requirements.txt to import urllib.parse? :_)
0 Votes
thriveni posted
about 7 years ago
AdminBest Answer
The error seems to be due to project==1.0 in the requirements.txt.
Collecting project==1.0 (from -r /app/requirements.txt (line 25))
Downloading project-1.tar.gz
Complete output from command python egg_info:
[91mCommand "python egg_info" failed with error code 1 in /tmp/pip-build-t95gfR/project/
Do you need it for specific purpose? If not, would suggest to remove it from requirements.txt and then deploy.
0 Votes
Sorted by
Alfonso Moureposted
about 7 years ago
Nop, sorry @thriveni, it wasn't that. I have removed project from requiremens.txt, but I still see the same error with urllib.parse when deploying to Scrapinghub:
ImportError: No module named parse
{"message": "shub-image-info exit code: 1", "details": null, "error": "image_info_error"}
I've just found the problem, and it is kind of stupid and a newbie one... I was having issues with the Python version :_).
Just changed my imports to:
from urllib.parse import urlparse, parse_qs, urlencode
except ImportError:
from urlparse import urlparse, parse_qs
from urllib import urlencode
Issue solved. Sorry for all the inconveniences, thanks for the help!!
0 Votes
about 7 years ago
The error seems to be due to project==1.0 in the requirements.txt.
Collecting project==1.0 (from -r /app/requirements.txt (line 25))
Downloading project-1.tar.gz
Complete output from command python egg_info:
[91mCommand "python egg_info" failed with error code 1 in /tmp/pip-build-t95gfR/project/
Do you need it for specific purpose? If not, would suggest to remove it from requirements.txt and then deploy.
0 Votes
Alfonso Moureposted
about 7 years ago
Any ideas about this? :)
0 Votes
Alfonso Moureposted
about 7 years ago
Thanks for your reply :).
Here are the contents of my requirements.txt, generated using pip freeze:
I've been following as a guide to include my dependencies in the requirements.txt file, but I'm having some issues.
I'm trying to use urllib.parse to analyse and clean up some URLs. First, I added the module urllib3 to my requirements.txt file as follows:
When I try to deploy the project to Scrapinghub, I see the following error:
Then, I tried to generate the requirements.txt using pip freeze > requirements.txt, just to be sure that I was doing everything the right way. Now I get the following error while trying to deploy the project to Scrapinghub:
May be this is a stupid question, but... what should I put on my requirements.txt to import urllib.parse? :_)
0 Votes
thriveni posted about 7 years ago Admin Best Answer
The error seems to be due to project==1.0 in the requirements.txt.
Do you need it for specific purpose? If not, would suggest to remove it from requirements.txt and then deploy.
0 Votes
Alfonso Moure posted about 7 years ago
Nop, sorry @thriveni, it wasn't that. I have removed project from requiremens.txt, but I still see the same error with urllib.parse when deploying to Scrapinghub:
I've just found the problem, and it is kind of stupid and a newbie one... I was having issues with the Python version :_).
Just changed my imports to:
Issue solved. Sorry for all the inconveniences, thanks for the help!!
0 Votes
thriveni posted about 7 years ago Admin Answer
The error seems to be due to project==1.0 in the requirements.txt.
Do you need it for specific purpose? If not, would suggest to remove it from requirements.txt and then deploy.
0 Votes
Alfonso Moure posted about 7 years ago
Any ideas about this? :)
0 Votes
Alfonso Moure posted about 7 years ago
Thanks for your reply :).
Here are the contents of my requirements.txt, generated using pip freeze:
And these are the contents from my scrapinghub.yum file:
The parse module is included in urllib, so I guess it is enough to add it to the requirements.txt.
0 Votes
thriveni posted about 7 years ago Admin
From the previous Failed deploy the error was related to Module name "parse". You would need to include the Module "Parse" to requirements.txt.
Can you share the Requirements.txt that you are using.
0 Votes
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