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Cannot run spiders from script scrapinghub


I have a scrapy project which works great. I am trying to migrate it to ScrapingHub.

I want to be able to launch spiders from a script (see code below), but it is not working. (not accessing the Spider parse() function):


def main():


   yield crawler.crawl(quotes_spider.QuotesSpider)


Is it possible to do it this way? If so, how? If not, how can I run a script which calls Spiders?

Thank you

Best Answer

You should probably use the python-scrapinghub library:


You should probably use the python-scrapinghub library:

1 person likes this

Thank you, it works great!

However, in my script, I need the that the spiders run async to the code, like in Scrapy (because I wait for the spider to finish crawling to get the scraped data)

How can I do the following in scrapingHub?


# do some stuff

process.start() # the script will block here until the crawling is finished
# do other stuff after the the spiders are done running
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