I have a scraper written in python scrapy, it goes to a url, logs in and fill search forms and scrape data. And it works fine without crawlera. When I use crawlera middleware, it can't log in to the website.
Please help me in this
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nestor posted
about 7 years ago
AdminBest Answer
You'll probably need to make use of Crawlera Sessions if you need to retain the same IP after login in; by default Crawlera routes every request through a different IP so the login cookie is probably lost. For more on Crawlera Sessions, please see: https://doc.scrapinghub.com/crawlera.html#sessions.
You'll probably need to make use of Crawlera Sessions if you need to retain the same IP after login in; by default Crawlera routes every request through a different IP so the login cookie is probably lost. For more on Crawlera Sessions, please see: https://doc.scrapinghub.com/crawlera.html#sessions.
Hi everyone. I just started using crawlera.
I have a scraper written in python scrapy, it goes to a url, logs in and fill search forms and scrape data. And it works fine without crawlera. When I use crawlera middleware, it can't log in to the website.
Please help me in this
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nestor posted about 7 years ago Admin Best Answer
You'll probably need to make use of Crawlera Sessions if you need to retain the same IP after login in; by default Crawlera routes every request through a different IP so the login cookie is probably lost. For more on Crawlera Sessions, please see: https://doc.scrapinghub.com/crawlera.html#sessions.
Also if you wish to handle cookies on your side, you can use "X-Crawlera-Cookies: disable" header (https://doc.scrapinghub.com/crawlera.html#x-crawlera-cookies)
0 Votes
nestor posted about 7 years ago Admin Answer
You'll probably need to make use of Crawlera Sessions if you need to retain the same IP after login in; by default Crawlera routes every request through a different IP so the login cookie is probably lost. For more on Crawlera Sessions, please see: https://doc.scrapinghub.com/crawlera.html#sessions.
Also if you wish to handle cookies on your side, you can use "X-Crawlera-Cookies: disable" header (https://doc.scrapinghub.com/crawlera.html#x-crawlera-cookies)
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