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HtmlResponse' object has no attribute 'follow'


    def parse(self, response):
        # for testing single practice link
        # return self.parse_practice(response)
        for practice_row in response.css('table.listing-display tr'):
            practice_links = practice_row.css('a::attr(href)')
            if len(practice_links) > 0:
               yield response.follow(practice_links[0], self.parse_practice)

Why is it breaking on `response.follow(...)` ? it works fine locally just not on

Local running Scrapy version 1.4.0

Best Answer

The error seems to be due to different Scrapy versions. The deploy to Scrapinghub has been done using Scrapy stack 1.1. You would need to change the stack in your projects scrapinghub .yml as given in article Changing the deploy environment with Scrapy Cloud Stacks  


The error seems to be due to different Scrapy versions. The deploy to Scrapinghub has been done using Scrapy stack 1.1. You would need to change the stack in your projects scrapinghub .yml as given in article Changing the deploy environment with Scrapy Cloud Stacks  

1 person likes this
Thanks thriveni!


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