We are looking into using scrapinghub cloud service to run our crawlers, can anyone tell me whether scrapinghub can run splash crawlers? Or does this require us to purchase the splash plan? Also, we would like to know whether using scrapinghubcloud is quicker than running the crawlers locally?
Can anyone also tell us whether scrapinghub cloud uses a fixed ip or a dynamic ip?
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Pablo Hoffmanposted
over 7 years ago
Gotcha. So you should definitely provision a Splash instance.
0 Votes
over 7 years ago
Hi Pablo,
I am running scrapy and splash, currently we are using docker to run splash through as per the instructions on the scraping hub tutorial
0 Votes
Pablo Hoffmanposted
over 7 years ago
You would need to purchase a Splash plan to run Splash crawlers. Are you also using Scrapy or just standalone Splash scripts?
We are looking into using scrapinghub cloud service to run our crawlers, can anyone tell me whether scrapinghub can run splash crawlers? Or does this require us to purchase the splash plan? Also, we would like to know whether using scrapinghubcloud is quicker than running the crawlers locally?
Can anyone also tell us whether scrapinghub cloud uses a fixed ip or a dynamic ip?
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Pablo Hoffman posted over 7 years ago Admin
Gotcha. So you should definitely provision a Splash instance.
0 Votes
tdi posted over 7 years ago
Hi Pablo,
I am running scrapy and splash, currently we are using docker to run splash through as per the instructions on the scraping hub tutorial
0 Votes
Pablo Hoffman posted over 7 years ago Admin
You would need to purchase a Splash plan to run Splash crawlers. Are you also using Scrapy or just standalone Splash scripts?
0 Votes
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