What can I do to fix this? Does the Crawlera service need several hours to begin working?
Thanks in advance
0 Votes
nestor posted
over 7 years ago
AdminBest Answer
Hi Graham,
You're using the incorrect API Key, I've responded to your ticket instructing you on where to find the API Key.
0 Votes
Sorted by
Rusiru Fernandoposted
10 months ago
I am scraping facebook, suppose 100 times the proxy server is called in the request, but along the way random requests fail.
HTTPSConnectionPool(host='www.facebook.com', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /ads/library/async/search_ads/..... (Caused by ProxyError('Unable to connect to proxy', OSError('Tunnel connection failed: 407 Proxy Authentication Required')))
0 Votes
Austin Rayposted
almost 6 years ago
I'm having the same problem @nestor. Just subscribed to Crawlera (C10), but the only part of the entire ScrapingHub site that acknowledges my subscription is the Billing page. All other pages tell me I should subscribe to Crawlera. And when I try to use Crawlera as a proxy via command line, I get a 407 back. I tried changing my API key on https://app.scrapinghub.com/account/apikey -- still got the same errors via command line. My output is attached.
Using the provided curl example, I'm getting 407 Bad Proxy errors.
curl -vx proxy.crawlera.com:8010 -U <my authentication code>: http://httpbin.org/ip
I also tried adding a --cacert to the curl
curl -vx proxy.crawlera.com:8010 -U <my authentication code>: http://httpbin.org/ip --cacert /my/path/to/crawlera-ca.crt
What can I do to fix this? Does the Crawlera service need several hours to begin working?
Thanks in advance
0 Votes
nestor posted over 7 years ago Admin Best Answer
Hi Graham,
You're using the incorrect API Key, I've responded to your ticket instructing you on where to find the API Key.
0 Votes
Rusiru Fernando posted 10 months ago
I am scraping facebook, suppose 100 times the proxy server is called in the request, but along the way random requests fail.
0 Votes
Austin Ray posted almost 6 years ago
I'm having the same problem @nestor. Just subscribed to Crawlera (C10), but the only part of the entire ScrapingHub site that acknowledges my subscription is the Billing page. All other pages tell me I should subscribe to Crawlera. And when I try to use Crawlera as a proxy via command line, I get a 407 back. I tried changing my API key on https://app.scrapinghub.com/account/apikey -- still got the same errors via command line. My output is attached.
Attachments (1)
2.21 KB
0 Votes
Graham Anderson posted over 7 years ago
Thanks :)
0 Votes
nestor posted over 7 years ago Admin Answer
Hi Graham,
You're using the incorrect API Key, I've responded to your ticket instructing you on where to find the API Key.
0 Votes
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